Joseph & Associates LLC
Explore the publications by Joseph & Associates LLC, encompassing insightful research, thought-provoking articles, and informative materials on education, equity, and leadership development. Gain valuable knowledge and perspectives to drive positive change in these fields.
3 Strategies to correct the historical challenges of recruiting and retaining Black teachers
The last year has made
Americans who care about
issues of race, social justice,
and equity again try to make sense of the lack of respect for Black lives. Now, it is again time to address the lack of intentional design, planning, and resources dedicated to educating Black minds. Courageous, committed leaders must now stand in that gap—the gap in educational…
A Call for Black Superintendents to Document Their Experiences Through Autoethnography
As a Black former superintendent of a U.S. urban school district, I understand
the crucial need for Black superintendents to systematically document their experiences. Given the low number of Black school superintendents and the lack of research literature about them, Black superintendents
need to describe and build knowledge about their experiences.
Educational Planning - A Journal dedicated to planning, change, reform, and the improvement of education
Recently all of the members of the International Society of Educational Planning (ISEP) received
a very timely e-mail from Dr. Glen Earthman. He spoke of how the thread that has tied this organization
together has been the belief that “educational planning is an important topic for investigation and
School District "Grow Your Own" Principal Preparation Programs: Effective Elements and Implications for Graduate Schools of Education
Research was conducted investigating a school district grow your own principal preparation pro-
gram. The program studied was based on a model of district-based seminars, guided practice, and
one-on-one mentoring through a three-phase, multi-year process. Candidates eligible for this program
had already completed university-based administrator preparation programs.
Swimming Against the Current: Resistance to a Black Superintendent’s Fight to Lead With Equity in an Urban School District
This case describes how, after being hired by a large urban school district in the southern United States, a Black male superintendent’s relationship with his stakeholders deteriorated due to disagreements about his equity-based leadership approach. Three incidents occurred during his tenure, which he believed to be racially motivated. Yet, the school board and the community downplayed race as the motivating factor.
No Confidence Whatsoever: The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Leadership of a Superintendent in a Large Suburban School District
This case study involves a new school superintendent, unions, parent groups, and a school board. The case demonstrates how the emergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic impacted the relationships between a school board, teacher and administrator unions, parent organizations, and the school superintendent. It is the story of educational leadership under unprecedented pressure.